
Euan Murray - Chairman
Appointed by Morningside Parish Church
I joined the board of The Open Door in 2014. My professional career was involved with money and this emphasis, together with an interest in caring, I hope benefit The Open Door.

Mary Marek
Appointed by Fairmilehead Parish Church
I am an elder/trustee of Fairmilehead Parish Church. As well as being a keen cafe volunteer for many years, I have been a pianist for Open Door clubs where I've led singing sessions.

Jean Thompson - Vice-chair
I joined The Open Door as a volunteer in 2012 and became a Trustee in 2015. During my working life I acquired IT skills, and some years as Chair of Morningside Community Council gave me experience of networking with council officials and local and national politicians, All of that has proved useful in my time with The Open Door. For most of my life I’ve been involved with various organisations as a volunteer.

Rob Scholes - Treasurer
I have twenty years’ experience working in financial services, initially within banking and private equity, and joined the board of The Open Door in 2022. I work at a specialist investment firm dedicated to the UK elderly social care sector and serve as a non-executive director of a regional care home operator. I am married with two children and enjoy watching a variety of sports, including rugby and football, as well as being a very amateur musician.

Diana Teasdale
Appointed by Greenbank Parish Church
I am a retired nurse / midwife with 40 years service. I have mainly worked with families in Edinburgh and the Lothians with sick and premature babies providing care and support both in the hospital and at home. I am also an active member of Greenbank Church, supporting various groups and also undertaking individual responsibilities as a church visitor. I enjoy meeting people of all ages. My health service background and personal experience of dealing with family suffering from dementia has enhanced my understanding of the need to target services to meet the unique needs of the vulnerable elderly and their carers. I was introduced to the Open Door through the church and appointed as a Trustee in late 2020. I truly resonate with the aims of the Open Door and I feel privileged to be a part of their important work.

Eoin Rutter
Appointed by South Morningside Quakers
(My name is pronounced like Ian) I started life as a sassenach, and have been over-compensating ever since. I joined the board of The Open Door in September 2022 as the representative for the South Edinburgh Quakers. I am something of a specialising non-specialist. I have held a variety of jobs, but my main career was as a software developer. These days I dabble in graphic design. I am a keen musician, playing guitar and bass, plus attempting to sing. If you don't understand something I say, then look first for the word play.

Stephen Pritt
I have worked in HR and Learning, and Development for 20 years. I am currently with Cairn Housing Association and enjoy the challenges of supporting vulnerable tenants. I joined the board at The Open Door in 2022. I have a Business Studies degree and I am a member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development. I have an interest in Scottish Government housing policy and have gained a good understanding of Governance and board relations in my current role.